"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."
Romans 12:21 Overcome isn’t a word we use that much anymore. Actually, we don’t use it at all. It means “to get the better of” or “to gain the superiority”, so you probably try to overcome your family and friends everyday . To put it simply though, this verse doesn’t mean we can get rid of the evil completely. We just do more good than we do bad. That’s not to say that as long as you hug one more person than you hit, you’re doing good. Paul (the guy who wrote Romans) was telling us that even though we will mess up, make mistakes, and maybe even do bad things, we still have a goal to do good. A purpose to do good and do it more than we may do bad or witness evil. That’s when we start to get the better of our bad side and build up our good side. Get the better of your bad side today by doing more good.
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